Getting the Word Out—1940s Style


I don’t know why, but I’m a retro image nut. I’ve got retro/vintage advertising art in my den at home, and I’m trying to get some really unique retro art framed and on my office walls (which are still bare, but that’s another story…). So when the local Red Cross chapter offered us a collection of World War II era Red Cross posters, I knew we had to find a place for them on our Your Stories site.

Of course, for me these posters are a window to that era. At the time, they were a vital part of keeping the population engaged in the war effort. They were a form of art (some would say a lost art) that needed to not only provide information, but also to inspire.

I could go on, but I really ought to let them speak for themselves. Click Clark Gable below to see more. Enjoy.


One Response to “Getting the Word Out—1940s Style”

  1. Kate Shaw Says:

    Who knew that Bauhof was such a sap for vintage art?? I guess we know what to get you for your birthday now. I see why everyone loves these posters though–they are heroic but also kind of sexy, like the pulp fiction book covers from that time. I definitely would have given Capt. Gable, oops, I mean the Red Cross, all that I could…

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